Hello LA, Hellooooo Spring and Summer

So I just got back from market in LA, I was there from the 11th-16th. I took my team with me consisting of Meagan and Leauxla (sorry to all the customers who tried to come see Leauxla at the store while we were gone). I just wanted to share a little about the trip with y'all. This time I was buying for our Spring/Summer season. In addition to clothing, I also found some cool home stuff, such as beddings & rugs. I think it will be nice addition to the boutique...aaaand to my future house cause who knows when Willie is going to kick me out of his :) 
The trip basically consisted of a lot of food, buying, little sleep (due to Leauxla's snoring), more food and more buying! Ha!
Here are some photos I took from my phone to give you a glimpse of what all went on! 

This billboard was in downtown LA and it was the perfect touristy photo op.

The cutest travel companion. I couldn't leave her at home, come on...look at her face :)

We actually had some free time the first night there for a girls' dinner at Fig & Olive
One of my favorite food spots in LA.

We looked so silly trying to take pictures of our food! You know we've all done it, but it's still embarrassing when the flash came on > <

My partner in crime, Meagan a.k.a. Best Employee Of The Month

At the Omni Hotel ready to hit the town.

We decided to walk back to the hotel one night after working all day and we saw some pretty sights.

Night time in downtown.

Took the girls to In-N-Out Burger, of course a must in LA #animalstyle #yum

We went to eat Korean BBQ at Genwa. We had no idea how much food we were in for!

Mike and I being weird. Its what we do best:)

So fun seeing my friends from LA while I was there! we went to Abbot Kinney Ave in Venice,  one of the most hip streets in the U.S. 
Can't resist a cute sunglasses pic!
This dreamcatcher was in one of the showrooms at market and it looked so cool the way the light was hitting it.
We loooove good hYOUman. We could have hung out with them all day!

Hashtag group selfie #artsy

Precious dinner menus at Public School 310. The food was so good!

Fan girl moment, when I ran into Michael Costello from Project Runway in the street:) 

Needed some energy to finish the work day so we hit up the juice bar.

Obsessed with this sweater from Liberty Garden. Can't wait until it comes in!
Love these rugs!

Colorful throw blankets:)

It's all in the bag! Bag shopping like crazy at BCBGeneration!

And a sneak peek at some of our buys for Duck & Dressing!

Overall it was an amazing trip. Made me so excited to come back home and get to work knowing what awesome things are in store for Duck & Dressing in spring and summer.


  1. Can't wait for the Spring/Summer Collection!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rebecca, I love your blog and hope I can make it to Monroe soon to check out Duck & Dressing! In the meantime I'll enjoy keeping up with everything here!

    ~ Adrienne @ MidwesternBelle.com

    1. thanks Adrienne! would love to meet you in my shop one day :)

  4. Completely enjoying your blog posts and looking forward to online shopping in the spring. (Although, sadly, that pretty much marks the end of boot season.) Have fun with your venture. Keep the pics of Leauxla coming! God bless!

    1. l love boots, booties too! i don't care i am gonna have them all year around haha!

  5. Love your style and was great meeting you at the grand opening (with Darius Rucker performing).. I moved to Dallas from LA in Dec and miss the Pressed Juice:-( May God bless Duck & Dressing. Such a fabulously designed and merch'd spot! www.sanctuaryofstyle.net wants to interview ya'll soon!

    1. loved meeting you too, thanks so much for coming! xoxo

  6. Great blog and super fun style. I'm happy to tour you around if you visit Seattle. God bless you and Duck & Dressing! Xo, Susanna

    1. would love to go to Seattle one day! I am counting on you ;)

  7. My closet needs the rollin with the homies tank!

  8. These are all wonderful quotes! I love this type of content !

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